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New Honorary Member - Stoneface

This bulletin is to inform you that The Team IPX BoD has inducted Stoneface into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks.

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Stoneface is required to go through Induction. Please assist our new honorary in any way you can with this.

Forthwith the above mentioned player(s) are affiliated with Team IPX and are free to use any of the IPX trademarks, Symbols, Sayings or the – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gaming under the guidelines of rule 17.
Please make the new Honorary Member(s) feel welcome.

The Current IPX Gaming roster is as follows:

Bloodstorm – IPX
Cheesy – IPX
CheeseyDawg – IPX
Chipper – IPX
Crazy_As – IPX
Deadite – IPX
Deadmaker – IPX
Don-Robbery – IPX
Fuzz – IPX
Harassment Panda – IPX
Hashy – IPX
Killer – IPX
Kippa – IPX
Legion – IPX
Limpet – IPX
Loganator – IPX
Lovendie – IPX
Ltmon – IPX
Mattatuide – IPX
Microman171 – IPX
n0mad – IPX
Robag – IPX
Sc0ut – IPX
Sha8doW – IPX
Silentshadow – IPX
Spudinator – IPX
StepUp – IPX
Stoneface – IPX
Temperance – IPX
WickFi5h – IPX
Willow – IPX

The all mighty Chewbacca will be saying some words:
you can read wookie right….?

ohwoanoaooscwo aooo aoacwo aoworasc. whoooh aoacraao waworawaahaowo ahc huwhoaraakakwowa ahwa rhwo oararcwowwhuan acwo ohahanan achuscak rooohurc anworr ahww rooohu rrahhowo acahsc aoacwo oaacrawhoawo.


Microman's picture


Welcome, Reece 2 :-)

Hey hey

Welcome mate

Sha8doW's picture


Blowjobs to matt! Or from matt!? I dont know… Be he recruited another person!

Welcome stoneface… (I guess you’re not a fan of oil of olay)


Thanks for the acceptance and welcome.
I can’t wait to run with you all on BF3.

PS. It’s Rhys :)


look up urban dictionary regarding my name big grin

Microman's picture


Deadite = Reece, Stoneface = Rhys

Iiinteresting :-)

welcome to the team mate

also commonly known as sexii
He is the most amazing man. He is sexy, gorgeous, sweet, super mega ninja tard awesome.

hope to shoot people in teh face with you soon

cheers kippa

Robag's picture

wait what

who the hell let this guy in, i take one night off and there are new people coming out of the wood work :p

next thing you are going to tell me he is black :o

Welcome to the Team Stony

p.s Fuzz has big hands

c u in the pubs



does Mat rage at work like he raged last night.

n0mad's picture


d0n’t f0rget t0 install Padman It’s free………….


Hashy's picture


Welc0me t0 the Team St0neface, d0nt f0rget t0 check 0ut the new IRC! =)

CHANNEL: #TeamIPX f0r m0re inf0rmati0n and clients t0 use.

Highly rec0mmend y0u put Padman 0n t00, y0u d0nt l0ve Padman, but y0u will xD I think the 1.5.1 is the 0ne y0u want, that sh0uld c0ntain b0th wind0ws and linux. I think y0u will need the 1.5.1 as well, but it will be different again s00n en0ugh with 1.5.5, s0 might wanna wait and see whats happening.

l00ks like theres a 1.5.5 0pen beta happening THIS WEEKEND n0mad!


see ya around dude :)


Nah Matt doesnt rage at work for what I have seen.
We work in different departments…. he is my bitch :D

And what is this padman thing you are asking me to get in on.
Not saying I wont get it.. just want a bit of info..

Tripsicle98's picture

Happy Welcome

Welcome happiness Face of stone

n0mad's picture

what is Padman

It’s a religi0n

And It’s freeeeeee


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